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The ‘Against Harassment’ Initiative

Truecaller is on a quest to understand the effects of harassment that women face through their mobile phones. We have carried out quantitative research from 5 different countries to measure the size of the problem across the world.

This has been combined with capturing the personal stories of women affected by phone and SMS harassment, in order to find out how this affects women in different countries.

1 out of 5 women in Kenya receive sexual and inappropriate calls or SMS.
Out of these, 11% of women think this is harassment
53% of calls came from unknowns, while 47% was from inmates
53% of these women felt angry
2 out of 10 women has taken action against these calls
49% blocked the number, while 6% reported it to the authorities
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Truecaller stands against women’s harassment and strives to make communication more safe and efficient. Through our research last year we realised the alarming extent of SMS and call harassment and its normalisation within Indian society. This year we expanded the research to 4 more countries in 2 new continents.

Our mission began with wanting to find more statistics on the issue of SMS and call harassment. It continues in 2020 with a new report and campaign to raise awareness of these issues that women face within communication.

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