BlogFeatures5 Ways to Be a True Friend

5 Ways to Be a True Friend

Christina Gustavsson

Jul 30, 20193 min read

Did you know that people with strong social connections tend to be happier and healthier than those without? 

Makes sense, right? Our friends are the ones we turn to in times of celebration and commiseration, the ones we most want to share good news with, and the ones we feel free to let loose with. So, take the time on Friendship Day to practice these 5 ways to be a true friend.

Ralph’s right. Here are some ways to celebrate International Friendship Day with the people who matter most.

5 ways to be a true friend:

1.Cheer them on!

We all need a convincing cheerleader in our lives, especially for those times when we doubt ourselves. When impostor syndrome creeps in, encourage your friends and remind them what they’re capable of. 

Celebrate your friends’ successes! Just as important as picking your friends up when they’re down is jumping for joy when they’re on top! Applaud your friends’ accomplishments, lavish them in praise, and do something special to mark the occasion. Everybody feels good when we share our friends’ victories!

2. Show them you care

Let friends know you’re thinking about them. It means a lot, especially when we’re all so busy. A phone conversation means even more, considering how much of our communication is text-based these days. Call your friends! You can even use free voice calling in Truecaller.

Have you lost touch with someone? You can find old friends with Truecaller name search. Give them a call and catch up! It’s been too long.

3. Be a good listener

Seriously, though. This kind of goes with #2, showing you care. A true friend is someone who cares enough to really listen. When your friend needs to talk, listen first, no judgment. Let them do most of the talking, but ask some questions to make sure you understand. This also lets them know you’re listening. 

Don’t make the conversation about you. Sure, it can help them to hear you’ve been through something similar, but your focus should stay on feelings and their experience.

4. Trust & be trustworthy

In other words, confide in your friends and keep their secrets safe. One of the best things about true friends is that you know you can be yourself with them, whether that means letting your silly show or unpacking your emotional baggage.

When you open up, you invite others to open up to you. Allowing yourself to be vulnerable is one of the best things you can do for yourself and your friend. Those moments when you take a chance and share something truly meaningful are the moments that bring friends closer together.

5. Have fun together

We all need a break from the serious and tedious parts of life, so make time to play! Joke around, be silly, enjoy all things frivolous! While you’re at it, use Flash Messaging to send a goofy photo or suggest a spontaneous get-together. Just use the lightning bolt symbol to Flash your friends a quick hello!

Just kidding! (Kind of.) But a true friend does share, so on this Friendship Day, why not give the gift of Truecaller Premium? Refer a friend (here’s how) and you each get a free week of Premium!

Christina Gustavsson

Jul 30, 20193 min read


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