Last updated: June 27, 2024

Truecaller gives you access to certain additional features in exchange for payment of a one-time or recurring fee, as applicable to the relevant features (each a “Paid Service” and collectively the "Paid Services"). 

By signing up for or using a Paid Service, you acknowledge and agree to these Specific Terms for Paid Services (the “Additional Terms”) in addition to the applicable Truecaller Terms of Service and Truecaller Privacy Policy (collectively the “Terms”). “Truecaller” refers to the Truecaller entity that provides the Paid Services to you and with whom you have entered into the Terms of Service.

Please read these Additional Terms carefully. They outline what to expect from us and what we expect from you when using the Paid Services. We may update these Additional Terms periodically, especially when we launch new features. You are therefore required to check them regularly and before using a new feature. If you do not understand and accept any part of these Additional Terms, you may not use the Paid Services.

Paid Services. We provide a broad range of services that are available at https://www.truecaller.com/premium. The features available to you may vary depending on your geographical location and subscription plan. Please note that some features may also be subject to limitations by your network carrier. Below, we outline certain Paid Services that come with particular requirements or additional resources:

  • Assistant offers you, among other things, the ability to forward declined or missed calls before picking them up and to receive detailed information about the calls. After it answers the call, Assistant plays back to that caller a pre-recorded interactive answer. You will be able to determine when and how the Assistant answers calls with a script you choose as well as see and listen to the conversation between the Assistant and the caller. Assistant also uses automated means to detect robocalls and top spammers from numbers in Truecaller's spam database. In order to use the Assistant, we will walk you through a process to configure your phone’s conditional call forwarding feature so that all declined and missed calls can be forwarded to the Assistant. 

    You can learn more about how the Assistant works here and find guides and frequently asked questions at our support page
  • Synthetic Voice feature allows you to personalise the Assistant to sound like you. With the feature you can create a synthetic representation of your voice (voice model) by recording your voice, which will be used by the Assistant when answering calls on your behalf. Your voice recordings will only be used for the specific purpose of creating and using the synthetic voice model within the Assistant and we will not use your voice recordings or the synthetic voice model for any other purpose without your explicit consent. You can at any time delete your voice recordings and the synthetic voice model through the Truecaller app settings. 

    Specific terms apply for the synthetic voice feature. Please read these to understand your rights and obligations when using the feature.
  • Call Recording allows you to record individual telephone conversations and receive the recording to your device. You can also choose to create a transcription of the recording and search within the transcription. Transcripts and recordings will be stored only on your phone and Truecaller will have no access to them. You are responsible for using the recording lawfully (read more under section “Your responsibilities”). Please note that the maximum time of Call Recording is limited to 24 hours for a month to prevent any abusive usage.

    You can learn more about how Call Recording works here and find guides and frequently asked questions here (iOS) and here (Android).
  • AI Call Scanner is a feature that can detect AI-synthesised voices, empowering you to safeguard yourself against potential scams and fraudulent activities. When activating the AI Call Scanner, it captures and analyses parts of the call by automated means to determine whether the one you’re interacting with is human or AI. The recording is encrypted and will only be stored to perform the analysis and deleted directly thereafter. The recording will not be used for any other purposes.

    You can learn more about how AI Call Scanner works here.
  • Fraud Insurance provides insurance coverage against digital communication frauds perpetrated on your Truecaller registered number. It will be available only if you are a yearly premium subscriber (AI Assistant plan and above) in India, in which case you will enjoy the insurance benefits at no additional charge, for the duration of your active Truecaller yearly premium subscription. Please note that the insurance is provided by HDFC ERGO under the “Cyber Sachet Insurance” plan. Truecaller acts solely as the master policyholder and is not the insurance provider." The insurance coverage shall be subject to the terms and conditions, and limitations of the insurance plan offered by the third-party insurer.

    To avail the benefit, you are required to actively enroll for Fraud insurance via the Truecaller app. By enrolling for the insurance, you agree to Truecaller sharing your Truecaller registered number with the insurer. Further, you are solely responsible for filing your claim with the concerned insurer and submitting relevant documents as required by your insurer in support of your claim. Truecaller does not handle claims processing and is not responsible for the outcome of your insurance claims.

    You can learn more about Fraud Insurance here (iOS) and here (Android).
  • User Verification allows Truecaller premium subscribers (only individuals and not businesses) in India to verify themselves on the Truecaller app and obtain a verified badge on their profile. Once completed, the verification status shall remain active, (a) for the duration of your active premium subscription, and/or (b) unless otherwise canceled by Truecaller at its discretion. Further in the event you change your profile name at any point, you will lose the verified badge and will have to re-verify yourself. Please note that user verification is entirely voluntary, and the means of such verification may change from time to time, as determined by Truecaller.

    Currently, this verification is being carried out by Truecaller in association with its third-party service provider, Hyperverge Technologies Private Limited (“Verification Partner”). To undertake this verification, you must have a valid Aadhaar and a DigiLocker account. If you do not have a DigiLocker account, DigiLocker will automatically create an account for you during the process. From your DigiLocker account, the Verification Partner will fetch your Aadhaar data, i.e., masked Aadhaar number, name, date of birth, address, photo and gender (“Verified Data”) and your Truecaller profile will get verified using the name so fetched. You will also have the option of adding your Aadhaar-linked date of birth, gender and city to your Truecaller profile. Please note that the Verification Partner works with DigiLocker to fetch the Verified Data and share it with Truecaller, and no other information whatsoever, including your full (unmasked) Aadhaar number or any other documents stored in your DigiLocker account is obtained by Truecaller or its Verification Partner as part of the verification process.

    You can learn more about how user verification works here.

Communication charges. Except when explicitly stated, Paid Services (including Assistant and Call Recording) do not use Wi-Fi or mobile data and will incur carrier call minutes and applicable fees in accordance with your mobile service plan. This includes calls answered by the Assistant and recorded conversations. These Terms do not apply to the features and services provided by your carrier (such as carrier calling and messaging through SMS or MMS). You are solely responsible for any fees or surcharges imposed by your carrier or mobile service provider, in accordance with your agreement with them.

Your responsibilities. The laws regarding the notification requirements for recording and transcribing conversations vary across jurisdictions, states and territories. Before using Call Recording, familiarise yourself with your local laws to determine if you need the other party’s permission to record or transcribe a call. As the user, you are responsible for complying with local laws when using Call Recording, including obtaining prior consent from other parties on the call where necessary. You are also responsible for complying with local laws when sharing content generated through the Paid Services with a third party.

We provide various controls to help you set your preferences depending on your country of residency. Where allowed and technically feasible we offer customizable call recording settings to help you comply with local laws. These settings include options such as a beep tone or other notifications to indicate that the call is being recorded. You can also choose to activate or deactivate transcriptions.

Acceptable use. We aim to provide a safe and enjoyable experience to our users. You agree to use the Paid Services only for personal usage purposes that are lawful. 

Please follow the rules below when using the Paid Services. 

  • Refrain from sharing photo or message content with other users that may potentially breach copyrights of third parties. 
  • Do not use the Paid Services to transmit any unlawful, harmful, threatening, abusive, harassing, defamatory, vulgar, obscene, sexually explicit, profane, hateful, racially, ethnically, or otherwise objectionable material of any kind, including but not limited to any material that encourages conduct that would constitute a criminal offense, gives rise to civil liability, or otherwise violates any applicable local, state, national, or foreign law.
  • Do not impersonate another person (via the use of a telephone number or otherwise) or otherwise misrepresent yourself or the source of any phone call.
  • Do not distribute other people’s personal and confidential information, such as credit card numbers, confidential national ID numbers, or account passwords, without their permission.
  • Do not abuse the Paid Services. 
  • Do not modify, adapt, translate, or reverse engineer any portion of the Paid Services.
  • Do not remove any copyright, trademark, or other proprietary rights notices contained in or on the Paid Services.
  • Do not use the Call Recording unless you have determined that your use is legal.

When we identify a potential violation, we may review and take action, including limiting or terminating your access to the relevant Paid Service or Paid Services. We do not tolerate illegal activities, and this may result in you being banned from the Truecaller application and/or being reported to the authorities.

Privacy. The data types we process depend on how you use the Paid Service and what features you use. For the purposes of providing the Paid Services as described in these Additional Terms, we process the following personal data: 

  • Subscription information: When you register for a Paid Service, we collect information about your subscription status such as your order id, invoice id, product purchased, payment status and order status. We also collect family member phone numbers for certain family subscription plans. 
  • Carrier information: We ask for your phone number and carrier to ensure your carrier supports the Paid Service.
  • Call data: For Paid Services that by their nature require access to call data, such as Call Assistant, Call Recording, and AI Call Scanner, we process information about the performed call and audio recordings in order to provide the services in accordance with these terms. Due to the nature of these services, this may include information about non-users, such as phone number, name and the information contained in possible recordings and transcriptions. You decide whether to enable each of these services, and you can change the settings for transcriptions and notifications for recording in your privacy settings within the app. 
  • Contacts:  If you wish to establish different forwarding rules for calls from your contacts compared to unknown numbers, you can provide on-device access to your phonebook contacts. By default, we do not store your contacts' details and will forward all declined and missed calls to the Assistant, including those from your contacts, as we cannot distinguish between your known and unknown callers. If you do not want the Assistant to forward calls coming from your contacts, we will need your permission to store their phone numbers on our servers. We will not use or store any other personal information about your contacts, such as name, photo, or email address. You can always turn off this permission by going to Settings within the app.
  • Device and log data: When you use the Assistant, we collect information about the calls answered by the Assistant. This includes information about app installation status, call duration, call status (ongoing, completed or actively declined by you and not answered by the Assistant.). All calls answered by the Assistant will be recorded and transcribed for in-call display and log retrieval. You may download these recordings and transcripts to your device within 30 days of the recording. 
  • Training data: If you explicitly consent, we may select segments of raw or partially processed audio and associated transcriptions to use as training data to automatically train our proprietary artificial intelligence (AI) technology, analytics and development purposes of our products. We will take efforts to anonymise such data before processing. 

Any personal information that is provided to Truecaller will be used and protected in accordance with the applicable Truecaller Privacy Policy. This clause describes features that are specific to Assistant and Call Recording only and should be read in conjunction with the applicable Truecaller Privacy Policy.

Some limitations on the use of Paid Services. We aim to provide the most accurate, current, and rich data available and to only forward calls that are declined and missed, but we cannot guarantee the accuracy of the results the Paid Services provide. For example, due to many variables in speech recognition, the Assistant and AI Call Scanner will not always be able to fully understand what a caller says or detect all spam calls and robocalls. 

Limited warranties. Due to the limitations described above, and subject to mandatory law, we hereby disclaim all warranties, whether express, implied, or statutory, including but not limited to that the Paid Service will provide accurate results, or run uninterrupted and error-free. If you experience issues with the Paid Services, you can always reach out to support@truecaller.com and we will take reasonable efforts to fix the issue. We always welcome any feedback on our services. 

Our liability. We will not be liable for damages of any type, whether direct, indirect,  incidental, or consequential (“damages”), arising out of or in any way related to the use of the Paid Services, including but not limited to damages arising from mistakes, omissions, interruptions, delays, defects, or errors in providing the Paid Services. For clarity, this applies to errors in blocking, transmitting, receiving, originating, terminating and/or delivering telephone calls and to any inaccuracy of any information provided using the Paid Services. 

We will also not be liable under any circumstances for damages arising out of or related in any way to your use of, your inability to access, or your difficulty in accessing Paid Services through toll or local access numbers. It is your responsibility to ensure that you have all required system elements, that they are compatible and properly configured and fully functional. You must comply with all laws applicable to your use of the Paid Services before registering or using them. We disclaim all liability for any failure on your part to comply with these requirements. 

Unless required by mandatory law, under no circumstances will our aggregate liability exceed the fees you have paid for the Paid Services.

Service interruptions. Paid Services may be suspended temporarily, without notice, for security reasons, systems failure, maintenance and repair, or other circumstances. To the fullest extent permitted by applicable law, you will not be entitled to any refund for these temporary suspensions.

Changes to Paid Services. As we evolve our Paid Services constantly, we may stop permanently or temporarily providing them at our discretion. Truecaller will not be liable to you or to any third party for any modification, suspension or discontinuance of the Paid Services. The applicable Truecaller Terms of Service specify how you can cancel a subscription or seek a refund.